简介 Introduction

Billy Meier,几十年前一位豁达的断臂农夫,与昂宿星人接触,拍下了千余张(飞碟、地外星球、NASA宇宙飞船运作等)照片及录像带,这些照片、录像空前清晰,震撼人心,拍摄的飞碟金属质感极强。并写下数百万字论述,涵盖天文、考古、科学等各层面,而人们却只当他是疯子。

【传奇人物】之4:比利•迈尔 Billy Meier – 最具传奇的UFO接触者-人的解读

[注:作者是一位善于研究的新闻记者,他耗用了三年时间研究Bill Meier(UFO史上最具传奇的人物)的案子,展现了所有的证据、详述以前专家的研究,并将此案与UFO现象的整个历史相结合。]

IMPORTANT NOTE: Billy Meier近年在网上流传的故事有一半(甚至以上)是伪造的,不是他本人去伪造,而是其它想混淆视听的人加入的。最早期(约1979年或以前)的资料比较可信,网上的近几十年的材料就不要花太多心思去看了。老实说没人再能判别真伪,只能说近年网上的八成都被人改/加入数据,听上去真的很像科幻小说的情节。大家看资料之余,也要用脑分析。

一些文章供初步了解Billy Meier(包含图片视频)

[1] 外星人接触者Billy Meier比利.麦耶及飞碟

[2] Billy Meier - UFO史上的一位传奇式的人物

[3] Billy Meier / 昴宿星人Pleadians (Seven sisters cluster七姐妹星团)

[4] 几个研究Billy Meier有否伪造ufo照片的网站 (需翻墙)

[5] Pleadian/Billy Meier/光子带Photon Belt 专区 (需翻墙)

资源下载 Resources Download

内容详见各链接里的介绍,含大量UFO视频、图片等,特别推荐Case 3

[1] Billy Meier UFO Case (18.45 G)

[2] Billy Meier UFO Case 2 (19.99 G)

[3] Billy Meier UFO Case 3 (21.51 G)

[4] Billy Meier UFO Case 4 (3.14 G)

书籍 Books

Kinder, Gary. "Light Years: An Investigation into the Extraterrestrial Experiences of Eduard Meier" New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987.
PDF版下载: http://www.torrentz.com/43e98b21832d252555b76a882c81042acef82cda

UFO接触记录 Billy Meier - UFO Contact Notes

Billy Meier's Contacts: http://us.figu.org/portal/BillyMeier/HisContacts/tabid/169/Default.aspx

IMPORTANT NOTE: Full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language Contact Reports. As of January 2010: 10 volumes (ca. 500 pages each, hardcover, DINA4) of Contact Notes are available (Plejadischplejarische Kontaktberichte, German only! )

[01] Contacts 1, 2
PDF DOWNLOAD: http://us.figu.org/portal/Documents/tabid/114/Default.aspx

[02] Contacts 3~9, 11~106 & 115
Message from the Pleiades: The Contact Notes of Eduard Billy Meier, Vol.1~4 (published 1988-1995, sections critical of religion & politics have often been expurgated)
PDF DOWNLOAD: http://www.torrentz.com/43e98b21832d252555b76a882c81042acef82cda

[03] Contacts 133~229
READ ONLINE: https://docs.google.com/View?id=dg9wd45_302f7xjks5h

[04] Contacts 233, 236, 238 (excerpts), 239, 248, and 260
READ ONLINE: https://docs.google.com/View?id=dg9wd45_302f7xjks5h

[05] Contacts 249, 251
PDF DOWNLOAD: http://us.figu.org/portal/Documents/tabid/114/Default.aspx

[06] Contacts 469, 471 (Excerpts): on King Arthur
PDF DOWNLOAD: http://us.figu.org/portal/Documents/tabid/114/Default.aspx

[07] Contact 476 (Excerpt): on the year 2012.
PDF DOWNLOAD: http://us.figu.org/portal/Documents/tabid/114/Default.aspx

[08] Osborn, Maurice. "The Essence of the Notes" (summaries of the contents of the first 76 contact reports)
READ ONLINE: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/The_Essence_of_the_Notes

[09] David E. Chance. "The Contact Reports of Billy Meier: a topical listing"
READ ONLINE: http://www25.brinkster.com/chancede/Cnotes.html

资源链接  Billy-Related Links

[01] FIGU http://www.figu.org (Established in 1975 and headquartered it at the Semjase Silver Star Center)

[02] FIGU http://us.figu.org (English version of FIGU)

[03] FIGU Froum:http://forum.figu.org/

[04] Billy Meier UFO Wiki http://futureofmankind.co.uk/ (The largest online resource of information)

[05] Michael Horn - Exploring the Billy Meier UFO Contacts http://www.theyfly.com/

[06] English Billy Meier Publisher http://www.steelmarkonline.com/ ( A lot of picture, good)

[07] Wikipedia: [Billy Meier] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Meier

[08] Billy Meier Pleiadian Contacts http://www.crystalinks.com/billy_meier.html (Introduction of Billy)

[09] Billy Meier Contact Reports http://www.myspace.com/billymeiercontactreports (Translations)

[10] The Billy Meier Research Page http://www.myspace.com/billymeier (good page)

[11] http://semjase.net/ (much information about Semjase)

[12] http://billymeierufo.blogspot.com/ (a blog)

